THE DRAWING BOARD - Daily updates
May 10th , 2009

Mothers Day

Return to galleryGorilla Drawing by Jeff Lafferty
Happy Mothers Day everyone.

Didn’t get started on anything new yet. Last night my wife and I where on a Farscape (the TV. Show) Marathon. A buddy of mine loaned me the second season on DVD and to make a long story short, last night I drew nothing and went to bed way, way too late.

I dug this piece up just to have something to post and it sort of fits with the Mothers Day theme. Looking at it again, I like this piece. It was one of the first paintings I did, once I started doing art again. I went through a real dry spell of about four years where I just didn’t do anything. I wasn’t unhappy or artistically blocked or anything like that. I was just really busy and I was in a completely different business, so painting took a back seat. I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but I was almost thinking I was done for good.

Funny to think of all that now. Its defiantly a far cry from what’s been going on this year.

See you tommorrow
Read yesterdays update